New Horizon - New charity campaigns for Uganda - Happy Easter / Happy Enlightenment Day

What would you wish to be more than a perfect Day like this one? I'm so excited th...

5 years ago, comments: 0, votes: 13, reward: $1.39

What would you wish to be more than a perfect Day like this one?

I'm so excited that i've found this account @elkezaksek which is involved in a noble charity campaign for Uganda.

Therefore, i'm very happy to take part on this mission and start with a donation of 3000 of my #lnbt

I know, at this moment 1 #lnbt has no such a power in matter of pair value between 1 #;nbt and 1 #steem but i know for sure that the Future will make us stronger and we will build awesome things in partnerships like this one.

On this Blessed Day, like all the others :-) I think some music would suit very well to accomplish it to be a perfect one:

I have also here the single entitled "Hyat" which also carries the title of the album, composed and produced, together with this awesome artist, @strangersouma

Since this blog is reated to a noble charity cause in Uganda, here you can listen and support our Tribe's single, entitled "The African M'Ganga", which for several days is one of the most played songs inside the "eclectic" music section and " the most popular" section as well.

Thanks for support on that.

Never to forget that i'm trying my best to help, through my art and through each link with my music i am just trying to engage people to click play and listen to my music, which, through each click can help to produce bits and pieces of this new crypto assets, which might help everyone ... hopefully ...

IF, you are on #tron as well ( even if we all know the very last sharade that steemit and tron has been grooving through) you can as well participate and support my music here:

Happy Easter to everyone and a Happy Enlightenment Day to you all!