I've thought to introduce to you the next cryptonian platform, that i've discovered recently, which in my humble artistic opinion represents a big crypto stone, in matter of foundation for the Future World out there and also for the crypto space.
It is an awesome platform that will enable the artistic world and especially each artist, individually, to be able to sustain its own artistic creations through campaigns created inside this awesome space.
Its name is 2Key Newtork. In the link bellow you can find my first musical campaign which represents somehow a 2 in 1 plan.
People can participate, simply by donating through the link above and the best part is that i've setup an awesome protocol, through which, actually each person who is using the link from above to share my artistic campaign as well, not only just by donating, will earn 10 %.
You'll just need to click on the link, participate with the minimum amount of Ethereum to support the campaign, and as i've mentioned as well ... those who will use as well the "Pay with tokens" from my webpage: https://luciannagy.com/?page_id=1238 and will donate more than 1 Kyber Network token, they will receive my album State of Soul as a free downlodable link as a gift.
Follow the rules iniside the description of the campaign.
As you've noticed already, the purpose of this awesome 2Key Network protocol is to unlock the true potential of something that once, we used to call it, organic reach! This factor is something very vital, especially for art/music.
Through 2Key Network, you can turn any of your artistic links into a smart link that will track, record and rewards every interaction.
It's basically relying on Layer 2 Protocol based on Ethereum and it has as well the embedded smart contracts option and the most important factor ... is that 2Key Network came with this awesome cutting edge blockchain referral solution.
As i've mentioned, above, everyone who is interacting with a campaign ( no matter from which sector ... if it's strictly entrepreneurial bussiness or art/music) will earn the pre-established percentage that will be splitted between all the participants.
I think this kind of ecosystems are very important for a space like this one in which day by day new bussinesses, platforms, protocols are developing under all kind of new cryptonian protocols.
2Key Network shows us that under a 2key innovative technology, smart links add tracking, referral, and rewards to any http link, the campaigns are able to reward each participant to every campaign through its smart contract.
I think this will be an important pillar inside the artistic crypto space as point of refference for futuristic artistic protocols.
Let's hope for a better World ...
Now, i'm reminding people about my musical campaign through which not only my music/art will be supported but i'll be able to continue my donations as well inside the cryptonian space on platforms like this one ...
Thanks for your support on my campaign and never to forget to read the entire protocol of 2Key Network and the most important thing is to understand that through your participation, you'll be able also to earn ... Read here:
Participate and through the refferal system, you'll be able to earn percentage from the 10 % that will be splitted equally between the participants.
Much appreciated your support and i think i'll see more artists out there starting to use this awesome platform of 2Key Network in the very next Future.