
The art of having a beautiful conversation on Encrypted Times ...

Today i've had another memory from my Past ... and i know, sometimes, most of the people are afraid to remember the Past ... not my case people ... you'll have the chance to ravel in Time and participate to this leadership conference.

Törzburg - Bran Castle - Dracula Myth

How many of you haven't heard about Dracula and Bran Castle, which actually has its german name, as "Törzburg" ... ? This very emblematic touristic site for the cultural treasure of Romania is a fortress, situated on the Transylvanian

Romania - from a different angle of perception ...

Regars everyone, Today i've thought to offer you a small glimpse of an awesome country from the balkan area. If you'll ever travel through Romania, don't miss the opportunity to visit its beautiful country-side and i do recomme

The bulgarian kaval - The most emblematic instrument from Bulgaria

The bulgarian kaval Today, i've thought to write a short introdu

At the cryptic Crossroads ...

The Observer within you is always the perfect guide ... As i'm watching how labels/podcasts/companies, which once were so famous, now they are barely struggling to maintain their surviving mode, it makes me think about this direction