My album is back on Emanate platform ...

Quite a long Journey already inside this cyptonian world ... For a while it happened ...

4 years ago, comments: 0, votes: 43, reward: $2.00

Quite a long Journey already inside this cyptonian world ...

For a while it happened to be a confusion on my Tribe's album and it was taken down from my page, since the team from Emanate thougt that I am an entity and Balkumba Tribe is another entity, when in fact, it is my own project, under the name of "Lucian Nagy & Balkumba Tribe" ...

Now, everything was sorted out ..

Happy to see that my album is back on Emanate MN8 platform:

You can register to Emanate MN8 here: especially if you're an artist and would like to receive your visa card.

Voila, as you've guessed already, this platform will be able to become a big game changer for music inside the cryptonian space.

Enjoy listening my music inside my page on MN8. Soon more music will be posted.

Support platforms like this one because this kind of cryptonian protocols for art/music will be able to tae further the existing world of artists arround this World.

Much appreciated people.

Don't forget to participate on my campaigns through this awesome platform, named 2Key Network.

As you can see there have been already some altruistic people who participated to my artistic campaign and i'm happy to see some action inside this cyrptonian space, especially inside the artistic spectrum. Looking forward to see more people who will support my art/music through my Kyber Network protocol inside my webpage: and further i'll be able to support as well charity causes inside hive and steemit blockchain, as well, as on other platforms as well.

Regards people from this awesome Cryptonian planet.